
Yulin–Jinan Natural Gas Pipeline

Natural Gas Pipeline – China

Yulin–Jinan Project Abstract

The Yulin-Jinan Natural Gas Pipeline, extending from Shanxi Province to Shandong Province, is a key project during China’s Eleventh Five-Year Plan period (2006-2010). With a total length of approximately 1,045 kilometers, it has a designed annual gas transportation capacity of 3 billion cubic meters, including 12 gas transportation stations and yards along the way. The Yulin-Jinan Natural Gas Pipeline Project is an important part in Sinopec’s “Natural Gas Development Strategy”.
GE Oil & Gas will supply the following turbomachinery system:

Compressor BCL355/A

Flenco's presence in the Project

Flenco is pleased to have been selected as preferred partner by GE Oil & Gas to supply its auxiliary systems for this project. For further inquiries about this collaboration, you can ask your usual contact person at our Sales Department or complete and send us our contact form.


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