
West Qurna-2 Project

Oil field

West Qurna-2 Project Abstract

The Project in Basra Region, West Qurna-2 Field, comprises a 3x42 MW Dual Fuel (Fuel Gas and Diesel Oil) Power Plant, Gas Treatment System, Power Distribution Systems and associated utilities. The Project will supply electrical power to the Central Oil Processing Facility (CPF), the gas treatment plant, waste management complex, oil well pads and sites, the crude oil export pipeline and other facilities of West Qurna 2 Oil Field operated by LMEL. The scope of work is full Engineering, Procurement and Construction including FEED (Front End Engineering Design), Detailed Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Pre-Commissioning and Performance Testing of the Plant. The Project shall include Three (3) each GE MS6001B Heavy Duty Dual Fuel Gas Turbine Generators - Simple Cycle - 42 MW each at ISO conditions. The project also includes all auxiliary equipment such as the water treatment plant, control systems, electrical systems, instrumentation, a gas treatment and compression system, a liquid fuel tank storage and transfer system, security systems, 132 and 33 kV GIS switchyards, a maintenance shop and a control/administration building.

Flenco’s presence in the Project

Flenco is pleased to have been selected as preferred partner by GE Oil & Gas to supply its auxiliary systems for this project. For further inquiries about this collaboration, you can ask your usual contact person at our Sales Department or complete and send us our contact form.


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