
Unique Phase I

600 MW natural gas based combined cycle power plant

Unique Phase I Project Abstract

DHAKA, BANGLADESH, October 1, 2018: GE Power (NYSE: GE) today announced that it has been selected by Unique Group, to develop the 600 megawatt (MW) natural gas based combined cycle power plant at Meghnaghat, near Dhaka, Bangladesh. Unique Meghnaghat Power Limited (UMPL) will be executing the project. The power plant will produce power equivalent to the electricity needed to supply about 700,000 homes in the region. The order value is approximately $350 million and as per the contract, GE will be developing the project on a turnkey basis which includes one 9HA.01 gas turbine, one heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), one steam turbine generator, condenser and associated systems. The power plant is expected to start the commercial operations by 2021.GE’s 9HA.01 gas turbine is the world’s most efficient and largest heavy-duty gas turbine. Globally, GE’s HA gas turbines are pushing the boundaries when it comes to the most efficient conversion of fuel into electricity. These gas turbines are recognized for powering the world’s most efficient power plants in both the 50hz and 60hz energy segments - achieving 62.22% combined cycle net efficiency and 63.08% combined cycle gross efficiency respectively.

Flenco’s presence in the Project

Flenco is pleased to have been selected as preferred partner by GE Global Parts and Products GmbH to supply its auxiliary systems for this project. For further inquiries about this collaboration, you can ask your usual contact person at our Sales Department or complete and send us our contact form.

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