
Sleipner B Platform

Oil & gas field

Sleipner B Platform Project Abstract

This field was discovered in 1974, and lies in the Norwegian North Sea blocks 15/6 and 15/9. Production of gas and condensate (light oil) began in August 1996.
The gas is exported in Norway's transport network for sales gas, while condensate is carried in the pipeline to the Kårstø processing plant north of Stavanger. Condensate is exported from Kårstø by ship.
Sleipner West is tied back to Sleipner East, and the two fields share the same operations organisation.
The Sleipner West development embraces the B wellhead platform on the field, and the T gas treatment installation, which stands on Sleipner East and is linked by a bridge to Sleipner A. Sleipner B is unstaffed in normal operation, and remotely controlled from the A platform on Sleipner East. The unprocessed wellstream from Sleipner B is piped 12 kilometres to Sleipner T.
Carbon dioxide is removed from the wellstream on the T platform and injected back into an underground formation.

Flenco's presence in the Project

Flenco is pleased to have been selected as preferred partner by Dresser-Rand to supply its auxiliary systems for this project. For further inquiries about this collaboration, you can ask your usual contact person at our Sales Department or complete and send us our contact form.


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