

Combined-cycle power plant

Sabiya Project Abstract

GE will supply a steam turbine generator set and two heat recovery steam generators (HRSG), along with associated engineering and other services for the Kuwaiti Ministry of Electricity’s Sabiya Power Plant. The equipment will allow the conversion of the plant from simple-cycle to combined-cycle configuration, helping it to generate more than 260 megawatts (MW) of extra power without the use of additional fuel. This is enough additional power to meet the average energy needs of more than 100,000 Kuwaiti households. “GE is committed to driving power sector efficiency across Kuwait and helping the Ministry of Electricity meet the increasing demand for power for domestic, industrial and municipal use,” said Ghassan Barghout, President & CEO of GE’s Gas Power Systems - Sales, for the Middle East & North Africa. “By adding onto non-GE legacy systems at the facility, our steam tail technology will help enhance output and lower both the life cycle costs, as well as the emissions generated per megawatt of electricity produced at the Sabiya Power Plant.” GE technologies deliver over a third of Kuwait’s power today and the company employs more than 250 people in the country (direct and indirect). GE’s investments in Kuwait include the GE Kuwait Technology Center, that serves three core areas for customers across the Middle East and Africa: training, tooling and engineering.

Flenco’s presence in the Project

Flenco is pleased to have been selected as preferred partner by Ge Energy to supply its auxiliary systems for this project. For further inquiries about this collaboration, you can ask your usual contact person at our Sales Department or complete and send us our contact form.


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