

Thermal power plant

Nakhodka Project Abstract

Rosneft is a Russian oil industry leader and one of the largest publicly traded oil and gas companies in the world. Rosneft is building the Eastern Petrochemical Company in the Primorsky region city of Nakhodka. The Eastern Petrochemical Company will produce propene, high and low density polyethylene, monoethylene glycol and other petrochemicals. The capacity of individual units at the Eastern Petrochemical Company will be greater than any existing global peers. The project envisages the construction of a power plant at the Eastern Petrochemical Company with a design generating capacity of 685 MW of electricity and 1054 Gcal/h of heat. Design of the plant will take into consideration the heat and electricity needs of the Nakhodka urban district and surrounding villages.
Rosneft and General Electric (GE) have signed a contract to service five 6FA packaged gas turbine units. The agreement will run for 16 years and is GE’s largest service contract in Russia. The company will provide technical support and full-cycle routine technical maintenance of the turbines, their components and generators. GE will also be responsible for maintaining the availability factor of the turbines, as well as power output and the heat rate.
The low-emission and highly fuel efficient 6FA package gas turbine units at the Eastern Petrochemical Company’s power plant will operate in line with international environmental standards.

Flenco's presence in the Project

Flenco is pleased to have been selected as preferred partner by GE Energy to supply its auxiliary systems for this project. For further inquiries about this collaboration, you can ask your usual contact person at our Sales Department or complete and send us our contact form.


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