
Kizildere III Unit 2

Geothermal Power Plant 70 MW

Kizildere III Unit 2 Project Abstract

TOKYO—Toshiba Corporation (TOKYO: 6502) has won a major order to supply a flash steam turbine system and generator (STG) for Unit 2 of the Kizildere III Geothermal Power Plant in Turkey. Zorlu Energy, an independent power producer and member of Turkey's Zorlu Energy Group, will construct the plant in Kizildere, in the Aydin province of West Anatolia, Turkey. Toshiba will deliver the generation equipment in July 2017. Kizildere III Geothermal Power Plant - Unit 2 is a 70,000 kW, high-efficiency triple flash combined-cycle geothermal power plant. It will integrate two systems: an approximately 50,700 kW flash steam generation system driven by steam under high pressure; plus an approximately 19,300 kW binary cycle power generation system that uses flash turbine exhaust steam to vaporize a working fluid with a lower boiling point and use it to drive a turbine. Toshiba delivered a flash power generation system for the Zorlu Energy Group's Alasehir Geothermal Power Plant in 2014, its first in Turkey. Following on from this, Toshiba received a further order for a flash power generation system for Kizildere III Geothermal Power Plant - Unit 1 Geothermal Power Plant in 2015, and the company is now manufacturing the STG. Toshiba's performance to date had been highly evaluated by Zorlu Energy Group, resulting in this third order to supply a flash steam turbine and generator for this project. Toshiba has now won three of Turkey's last four contracts for geothermal plants, and this order will increase the company's share in Turkey's market for geothermal flash STGs to 48%.

Flenco’s presence in the Project

Flenco is pleased to have been selected as preferred partner by Toshiba (via Moritani Gmbh) to supply its auxiliary systems for this project. For further inquiries about this collaboration, you can ask your usual contact person at our Sales Department or complete and send us our contact form.


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