
Kaliningrad Region

Thermal Power Plants

Kaliningrad Region Project Abstract

At the end of 2015, "Russian gas turbines" LLC and NPO "ELSIB" JSC signed an agreement for supply of eight TF-90G-2U3 turbine-generator units for gas turbines. "Russian gas turbines" LLC is a joint venture of GE, the "Inter RAO" group and "United engine Corporation" JSC (UEC, part of Rostec state Corporation) in Rybinsk, a city in the Yaroslavl Region, to produce, sell and service 6FA type (6F.03) gas turbines with a capacity of 77 MW. Currently, in accordance with the schedule, NPO "ELSIB" is completing the designing process and preparing for manufacturing of turbine key components – stator casing assembly and rotor shaft machining. In November 2015, "Russian Gas Turbines" LLC won the competition held by "Inter Rao-Engineering" for the supply of eight 6FA gas turbine units (which will operate with TF-90G-2U3 generators) for "Kaliningrad Generation" LLC. This large-scale project includes construction of 440 MW thermal power plant in Kaliningrad, two gas turbines of 160 MW for Sovetsk and two gas turbines of 160 MW for Gusev, Kaliningrad region. .

Flenco’s presence in the Project

Flenco is pleased to have been selected as preferred partner by GE Energy to supply its auxiliary systems for this project. For further inquiries about this collaboration, you can ask your usual contact person at our Sales Department or complete and send us our contact form.


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