

Gas-fired plant

JPS Project Abstract

JPS and American company New Fortress Energy are executing separate projects at Old Harbour - the Jamaican utility company is building a new 190 MW plant, while Fortress is financing and developing the gas infrastructure to supply the plant with LNG.JPS is also in final negotiations with General Electric (GE) as the primary equipment supplier for the Old Harbour plant."JPS is currently finalising the agreements with both GE and the 'EPC' contractor and coordinating the start of this new generation facility with the completion of an associated LNG facility that will be built to provide gas. These two projects will total over US$500 million and begin operation in early 2018 with full commercial operation by the middle of 2018," said JPS via email.The plant's advance GE turbines will utilise cleaner burning natural gas, replacing the heavy fuel oil currently used at Old Harbour, and will be able to integrate increased solar, wind and hydro resources as Jamaica moves towards producing more electricity from renewable resources."GE will provide four turbines - three gas turbines and one steam turbine the three heat recovery steam generators, the four electrical generators and the major controls," said JPS.

Flenco’s presence in the Project

Flenco is pleased to have been selected as preferred partner by Ge Energy to supply its auxiliary systems for this project. For further inquiries about this collaboration, you can ask your usual contact person at our Sales Department or complete and send us our contact form.

Source: jamaica-gleaner.com

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