

Combined cycle power plant

Azito Project Abstract

ABIDJAN, COTE D’IVOIRE / CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA - May 14, 2019 - With a focus on improving power plant output, reliability, availability and operational performance as well as gaining data and insights for predictive maintenance of assets, Azito Energie S.A. today announced that it has signed a contract with GE (NYSE:GE) to deploy its Predix Asset Performance Management (APM) software for two GT13E2 gas turbines and two generators at the Azito III plant site, located in the Yopougon district of Ivory Coast. In addition, the companies announced the successful execution of GE’s MXL2 upgrade solution for the first GT13E2 gas turbine, which will increase the plant’s production by 15 megawatts (MWs), which is equivalent power for up to 120,000 homes. The upgrade on the second unit is set to be implemented later in the year. A first-of-its kind project in Sub Saharan Africa, this flagship upgrade combined with the digital solutions, is paving the way for additional total plant solutions across the region.

Flenco’s presence in the Project

Flenco is pleased to have been selected as preferred partner by GE Global Parts and Products Gmbh to supply its auxiliary systems for this project. For further inquiries about this collaboration, you can ask your usual contact person at our Sales Department or complete and send us our contact form.


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