North America


Combined cycle power plant 250 MW

Lansing Project Abstract

Doosan Skoda Power, a Czech-based manufacturer of steam turbines, has recorded a historic achievement. Late last year the company signed a contract with Lansing Board of Water & Light (BWL) to supply a steam turbine generator for their new gas-fired power plant in Lansing, Michigan.The turbines produced by Doosan Skoda Power, a company with a tradition of producing steam turbines that dates back more than one hundred years, have found their way from Pilsen, Czech Republic to power plants and other operations around the world. This is the company’s first project in the United States, which might open doors to other business in the US. The new power plant is part of BWL’s plan to be coal-free by 2025. The Doosan´s steam turbine DST-S10 (80 MW) will be installed in the new combined cycle power plant with a total output of 250 MW and will be built at the site of the coal-fired Erickson Power Plant in the Delta Township. The turbine is now being manufactured in Pilsen, Czech Rep. and will be put into commercial operation in spring 2021.

Flenco’s presence in the Project

Flenco is pleased to have been selected as preferred partner by Doosan Skoda Power s.r.o. to supply its auxiliary systems for this project. For further inquiries about this collaboration, you can ask your usual contact person at our Sales Department or complete and send us our contact form.

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