
Korea Zinc

Combined-cycle power plant

Korea Zinc Project Abstract

(SEOUL – December 10, 2018) - GE Power announced today that the company’s reliable and flexible 6F.03 gas turbines will power Korea Zinc’s LNG Combined Cycle Power Plant located in Onsan, Ulsan City of Korea. Korea Zinc’s LNG Combined Cycle Power Plant will produce power for the captive consumption of Korea Zinc, meaning the plant will produce the electricity needed for the local industrial operations at the site. The plant will generate more than 270 MW of power using LNG as a fuel source.Two units of GE’s 6F.03 gas turbines will be installed at Korea Zinc Combined Cycle Power Plant, with the goal to be completed by January 2021.GE and Korea Zinc closely collaborated to build Korea Zinc’s captive power plant for this specific industrial application, and 6F.03 gas turbine - known for best-in-class efficiency and high exhaust energy – was finally selected and will best serve their needs. GE’s 6F.03 gas turbine can generate up to 87 Megawatt (MW) of power in simple cycle. GE’s 6F.03 turbines are capable of operating on a wide range of natural gas, distillate, and synthetic fuels. With the large and diversified installed base across 40 countries, there are more than 200 units of GE’s 6F.03 gas turbines in operation globally.

Flenco’s presence in the Project

Flenco is pleased to have been selected as preferred partner by GE Energy to supply its auxiliary systems for this project. For further inquiries about this collaboration, you can ask your usual contact person at our Sales Department or complete and send us our contact form.

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