
Empalme II

Combined-cycle power plant 770 MW

Empalme II Project Abstract

Doosan Skoda Power has added another major success, by contracting fourth unit in Mexico in less then year. The company was awarded to install another 300 MW class steam turbine in the EMPALME II combined cycle power plant. The plant, located in the state of Sonora, will operate with natural gas and will have a total capacity of 770 MW upon completion by mid of 2018. The EPC contractor and Doosan Skoda Power’s client is a consortium formed by DURO FELGUERA and ELECNOR. It will be first time for Doosan to work in partnership with the consortium formed by those Spanish EPCs and Mexican branches.The concept of the 300 MW class three-casing Skoda steam turbine is based on proven solution for 50Hz and 60 Hz combined cycles and will be designed to withstand the inlet steam temperature of supercritical values of 600 °C,” says David Zeman, Manager for Latin America in Doosan Skoda Power. The plant will be located in Northwestern Mexico near city of Guaymas and operated by CFE, Mexico‘s state-owned electric company. It is estimated that energy demand in the north of Mexico grow annually averaging 3.6% and the EMPALME plant shall cover part of the energy demand in this growing region.

Flenco’s presence in the Project

Flenco is pleased to have been selected as preferred partner by Doosan Skoda Power s.r.o. to supply its auxiliary systems for this project. For further inquiries about this collaboration, you can ask your usual contact person at our Sales Department or complete and send us our contact form.


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