
Al Dabb’iya Phase III

Das Island terminal

Al Dabb’iya Phase III Project Abstract

Maire Tecnimont’s subsidiary Tecnimont S.p.A. in Consortium with Archirodon has been awarded an EPC contract with Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company Ltd. (ADGAS) for the execution of the Package 1 of the IGD Expansion Project (IGD-E) on Das Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE. ADGAS is one of ADNOC Group of Companies which is operating on Das Island, located 100 km north from Ruwais. Package 1 is part of ADNOC’s Integrated Gas Development Expansion Project program that will transfer additional gas from Umm Shaif gas field to Habshan through Das Island, in order to increase the onshore sales gas supply. The project’s scope of work consists of the EPC activities up to Performance Tests for the expansion of the existing facility on the island.

Flenco’s presence in the Project

Flenco is pleased to have been selected as preferred partner by Dresser-Rand S.A. (A Siemens Business) to supply its auxiliary systems for this project. For further inquiries about this collaboration, you can ask your usual contact person at our Sales Department or complete and send us our contact form.


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